Would the real BMi Research, please stand up?

Would the real BMi Research, please stand up?

Business Monitor International, a division of US-based financial information services, Fitch Group, rebranded its South African operation BMI Research in March 2015.

While this possible name infringement has been subject to a legal process since that time, it has recently come to our attention that it is causing confusion among clients, media and within the local business sector.

Given our well-established position in the South African marketplace as the original BMi Research – a leading full service local research house with longstanding affiliations to several local industry organisations, including the Southern African Marketing Research Association (SAMRA) – we would like to set the record straight on this issue.

We as BMi Research (Pty) Ltd are a wholly-owned subsidiary of the South African-based Cognition Holdings, a JSE listed company.

There is no connection or association whatsoever between the proudly South African BMi Research and the global Business Monitor International.

To avoid any further confusion, we appeal to you to please continue dealing directly with the BMi Research staff you have come to know and rely on.

If you have any queries in this regard, please contact BMi Research directly on [email protected]

We appreciate your assistance and understanding!

Gareth Pearson
