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Business intelligence (BI) has become an integral part of business decision making and the internet has facilitated the flow of BI to a degree unparalleled before. The real challenge however is the ability to filter out inefficient BI and focus on efficient and value adding BI which can assist decision making.

Recognising this fact BMi is introducing BMi Marketlink which is a focused and specific electronic update which will collate selected subject data from international and local websites across four distinct portals using customised technology.

The portals are:
– BMi Marketlink Beverages
– BMi Marketlink Food
– BMi Marketlink Packaging
– BMi Marketlink Retail/Wholesale

This service will enable you to view trends and developments of your area of focus in a ready to use format delivered via email from a single source keeping you current in your area of business. You will receive a submission according to your business needs on a weekly basis without cost.

The summary page will present the latest articles retrieved by the service and will then have a facility below the BMi banner to allow you to enter the specific portal which houses significantly more data and articles on the subject matter.

Realising that you require a choice to receive this information, there is a facility to unsubscribe from this service. Additionally there is an option to request additional information which will be quoted for on an adhoc basis.

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[ultimate_modal icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-edit” modal_title=”Sign up for Marketlink” modal_contain=”ult-html” modal_on=”ult-button” onload_delay=”2″ btn_size=”lg” btn_bg_color=”#00529b” btn_txt_color=”#ffffff” modal_on_align=”center” btn_text=”Sign Up” txt_color=”#f60f60″ modal_size=”medium” modal_style=”overlay-show-genie” overlay_bg_color=”#333333″ overlay_bg_opacity=”80″ header_text_color=”#333333″ modal_border_width=”2″ modal_border_color=”#333333″ modal_border_radius=”0″][/ultimate_modal][vc_spacer height=”20″]
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What is research but a blind date with knowledge? – Will Harvey

