[icon_counter icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-check” img_width=”48″ icon_size=”46″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”none” icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″ flip_box_style=”advanced” border_size=”1″ border_color=”#f4f4f4″ box_border_style=”dashed” box_border_size=”1″ box_border_color=”#ffffff” box_border_color_back=”#ffffff” block_title_front=”Pricing Specialist” text_color=”#898989″ block_text_color=”#ffffff” block_back_text_color=”#666666″ button_bg=”#898989″ button_txt=”#ffffff” flip_type=”vertical_flip_top” height_type=”ifb-auto-height” box_height=”220″ button_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bmi.co.za%2Fwhy-bmi%2F|title:Why%20BMi%3F|” button_text=”Read More” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#efefef” block_front_color=”#7e4ebe” block_back_color=”#ffffff” custom_link=”1″ block_title_back=”Providing indispensable pricing input.” block_desc_back=”BMi are pricing specialists, providing indispensable pricing input to customers on a daily basis which aids:
– Formulating Pricing Strategies
– Compliance to set on-shelf and promotional price points
– Monitor and review competitor pricing activities within the formal and informal channels
– Monitor and review retailer and wholesaler pricing activities within formal and informal channels
– Review pricing trends over time
– Keep abreast of overall promotional and on-shelf pricing activity.
BMi collects industry, web, in-store and promotional pricing on a daily basis across formal and informal retail and wholesale channels in line with the needs expressed by our customers.
The web, in-store and promotional prices collected are down to SKU level, giving clients absolute insight on pricing activity in the market.
BMi’s price review products include:
– Quarterly review of packaging raw material prices
– Daily review of printed promotional pricing in newspapers, magazines, broadsheets
– Daily review of in store on shelf prices in retailer and wholesaler within formal and informal channels
– Price elasticity studies.”][icon_counter icon_type=”selector” icon=”Defaults-bar-chart” img_width=”48″ icon_size=”46″ icon_color=”#ffffff” icon_style=”none” icon_color_border=”#333333″ icon_border_size=”1″ icon_border_radius=”500″ icon_border_spacing=”50″ flip_box_style=”advanced” border_size=”1″ border_color=”#f4f4f4″ box_border_style=”dashed” box_border_size=”1″ box_border_color=”#ffffff” box_border_color_back=”#ffffff” block_title_front=”Total Market Provider” text_color=”#898989″ block_text_color=”#ffffff” block_back_text_color=”#666666″ button_bg=”#898989″ button_txt=”#ffffff” flip_type=”vertical_flip_top” height_type=”ifb-auto-height” box_height=”220″ button_link=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bmi.co.za%2Fwhy-bmi%2F|title:Why%20BMi%3F|” button_text=”Read More” icon_color_bg=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#efefef” block_front_color=”#009edf” block_back_color=”#ffffff” block_title_back=”Total market size input.” block_desc_back=”BMi provides total market size input across all channels including:
– Formal and Informal Retail
– Formal and Informal Wholesale
– Convenience and garage forecourts
– Foodservices and on-consumption outlets
– Imports and Exports
BMi’s total market size input is attained by conducting top-down and bottom-up research with all prominent suppliers and manufacturers within particular markets.
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